How we do it


The Process

Bela Supernova knocks down established traditions in clients – service provider relations transforming them into the partnerships with high level of involvement into the clients’ business. Bela Supernova integrates into customers strategic business development unit taking part in risk and opportunity assessment of new business ideas and ventures. This way we can timely propose and deliver solutions to tackle novel business tasks.
We maintain high level of trust; hence we are able to skip certain formalities and operate as a single team to ensure minimal time to implementation. This operational model enables our customers gain competitive advantage and keep leading positions in their industry.

Client Relationship Evolution


Our Principles

1. We are a business partner
2. We look into the future
3. We are curious
4. We care (about each other, about work, about our customers)
5. We are realistic, pragmatic and keep the deadlines
6. We rely on our knowledge and experience but spare some space for innovation and experiment


In our work, we proceed from the assumption that the IT system should fully meet the client’s requirements and should not hinder its development.